
The IMSIP alerting system is intended to promptly notify users via Slack about specific events or conditions detected on supported platforms, which require their attention or actions.

By sending real-time alert notifications to Slack channels, the system helps you receive timely information that is needed to address occurred issues before they become critical and perform effective troubleshooting activities.

Listed below are the alert types that are currently supported by the system. For each alert type, you can find the conditions for its triggering, supported platforms, the Slack channel to which notifications are delivered, and the notification format. In addition, it’s mentioned if there are any options to change alert settings.

Alert name


Supported platforms

Slack channel

Notification format

Alert settings

Trade rejections per taker

The alert is triggered once there have been accumulated 10 trade rejections for the same taker.

After the alert is triggered, the count of rejections for that taker is reset to 0 (zero).

Only rejections of market orders are taken into account.




The alert is built-in and its settings can’t be changed by IMSIP users.

Trade rejections per hour

The alert is triggered at the beginning of each hour (at 00 minutes) and notifies you about the number of trade rejections detected on a platform over the past hour.

If no rejections occurred over the past hour, the alert notification isn’t send.

Only rejections of market orders are taken into account.




The alert is built-in and its settings can’t be changed by IMSIP users.

Margin utilization reached

The alert is triggered when the margin utilization threshold assigned to a specific LP account in Risk Limit Monitor is reached or exceeded.




The threshold value at which the alert is triggered can be changed on the Risk Limit Monitor page by the user who has sufficient permissions.

Additionally, the user can specify a grace period to avoid repeated notifications if the threshold is reached or exceeded multiple times during that period.

NOP limit utilization reached

The alert is triggered when the threshold for NOP (net open position) limit utilization assigned to a specific LP account in Risk Limit Monitor is reached or exceeded.




The threshold value at which the alert is triggered can be changed on the Risk Limit Monitor page by the user who has sufficient permissions.

Additionally, the user can specify a grace period to avoid repeated notifications if the threshold is reached or exceeded multiple times during that period.